Ae Thong Dove Farm, Songkhla
People of southern Thailand have probably raising cooing doves since the reign of King Rama III. The pretty little birds with a charming song are raised for pleasure and for good-fortune. In the past, the cooing doves were caught from the foresees of Trang. Phetchaburi, Ratchaburi, Krabi, Chachoengsao, Supan Buri and Nakhon Sawan. Wild birds later became scarce. In 1962, Khun Pin Chintana, a resident of Amphoe Chana, was the first person to breed these birds. Ae Thong farm is located at 460 Mu 2, Rat Uthit Road, Tambon Phaphana. This was the first farm in the Chana to breed cooing doves,. Achan Sama-ae I-so, a former student of Khun Pin Chintana, has accumulated knowledge and expertise about these birds from study and experiments. The most expensive cooing doves in Thailand come from this farm. The birds bred at Ae Thong are in great demand in Malasia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, China and Australia. Achan Sama-ae opined that the industry yielded many related industries, such as cage and bird feed making, which help reduce the migration of local people into the cities. Tourists are allowed in Ae Thong farm. Group tours can request for a special lecture by Achan Sama-ae. Contact Tel. (074) 379139, 378268.