
[ Map of Mu Koh Surin]

Mu Ko Surin National Park

This park is situated at Mu 5, Tambon Ko Phra Thong, occupying an area of 84, 375 rai.  It was announced as a national park area on July 9, 1981.  To access Surin National Park, the shortest distance between the park and Phangnga is to use the fish marketing pier of Ban Hin Lat around the mounth of Nang Yong Canal area (the folks there call it Thun Nang Dam Canal).  The access road to the fish marketing pier is a one kilometer earth road which branches off from Ranong-Takua Pa Highway at Km.110 (from Ranong), 5 kms. from Amphoe Khura Buri.  To travel from this pier take only 4-5 hours Traveling by boat from Phangnga (township area), it will take about 13 hours.  If boating from Kapur of Ranong the time will be seven hours approximately.

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  Mu Ko Surin National Park  

The best time to visit Mu Ko Surin National Park is only from December to March.

Attractions within the national park are:

Surin Islands

The are consists of Ko Surin Nua and Ko Surin Tai with more than 10 bays among which Mar Khai or Mae Yai Bay is renowned for its serenity while Ao Luk or Deep Bay is famous for its deep dark green waters with a most beautiful coral reef in the shallows.


Sing tribe, the last seamen living a primitive life in their houseboats in Thailand, inhabit Ko Surin Tai beach.  Opposite to the national park office, there is a carved wood sculpture similar to an American Indian totem.  It is most revered by the seamen tribe.  The tribe convene here annually for a 3-day gathering on the full moon night of the 3rd lunar month to pay respect to their totem spirits.

For accommodations in the area of the national park, contact the National Park Division, Foresty Department, Tel: 579-0529, 579-4842, or Mu Ko Surin National Park Office, Amphoe Khura Buri, Phangnga.

Remarks: The most appropriate time to go sightseeing in the Andaman Sea is from the beginning of November to mid summer around the end of April.  However, prior to starting each trip information on weather status should be obtained from the Weather Forecasting Divition, Department of Meterology (Tel: 258-0437-9) in advnace for safety.

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Located on the northern rim of the Andaman Sea, and only 8 km. From the Thailand-Myanmar border.  Mu Ko Surin is the meeting place of two ecosystems: the Tropical Rain Forest on the islands themselves and the largest, most beautiful and most abundant shallow water coral reef in Thailand.  

Mu Ko Surin is the best place for snorkeling in Thailand, with rich marine life such as sea turtles and marine shrimps.  There are also nature trails and a cultural site of interest, a Morgan community, the last of the Sea Gypsies who still live their traditional lifestyle according to the expansive seas.

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  Sunset at Ao Chong Khat  

Ko Surin Tai (South Surin Island)

The coral reefs of the South Surin Island are only 100-200 m. wide, but they have more diversity than those of the North Surin Island.  Some famous diving sites are Ao Phakkat, and Ko Torinla.  Ao Tao is the best site to easily see sea turtles, and has the first underwater nature trail established in Thailand to learn about the marine ecosystem.

Ko Surin Nuea (North Surin Island)

This island is surrounded by coral reefs in several bays, some more than 300 m. wide.  The reef edge contains numerous corals before sloping to a depth of 20-30 m.; for example, Ao Chong Khat, Ao Mai Ngam, Ao Sai En, and Ao Chak. The coral reefs here suffer little in the way of strong current or wave action and provide a suitable place to snorkel.  The nature trail at Hat Mai Ngam links many diverse ecosystems ranging through Evergreen Forest, Beach Forest, and Mangrove Forest to an “underwater forest”, the large coral reef.

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  Ao Chong Khat  

Ko Torinla (Ko Khai)

Famed as the most beautiful shallow coral reef in Thailand, it hosts a vast Staghorn Coral reef, the habitat of several marine animals ranging from match-stick lengthed goby up to 4- metre-wide Manta Rays.

Ao Chong Khat

This bay is located between the North and South Surin Islands, and its narrowest point is about 200 m. It can be swam across during low tide.  The water is shallow (1-3 m.), and it is a suitable place for playing, and learning to snorkel (snorkeling equipment rental fee is 100 baht/day/set).  The shallow water coral reef here has scattered 1-meter-high massive corals and also some submassive corals.  Marine animals found include Sea anemones, over 550 anemonefish, Giant Clams, and small fish such as pipefish, and small parrotfish.  However, one should be careful when the tide is rising or falling, and also beware of long-tailed boats since this is the route to other bays around  the islands.

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  Ao Chong Khat  

Ao Mai Ngam

A safe snorkeling site and the nearest.  Can be reached by walking along the 2 km.  Nature trail starting at the Substation.  The coral reef ranges from 200-800 m. offshore.  In the shallower areas, there are many corals, particularly Foliose, found scattered in large beautiful groups.  Deeper, there are massive corals mixed with Staghorn Corals to a depth of 12 – 15 m. Massive corals are habitats of many strangecolored fish like parrotfish, wrasse, butterfly fish, and anemone fish.  You should snorkel during the high tide period to prevent damage to these corals.

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  Ao Mai Ngarm  

Ao Mae Yai

In the past, it was home to one of the largest Staghorn Coral reefs of Thailand.  Today, the area is a rehabilitation site with no permission to dive other than in the cape area at the southern tip of the bay site 20 m.  below the surface

Ao Chak

A rather remote site due to its distance from the Substation (45 min. by boat), and one of the best snorkeling sites of the islands.  The coral reef lies at 200-400 m. from the shore, where Staghorn Corals and several other species can be found.  The reef gradually drops to a depth of 12-15 m.  where a few soft corals and sea fans are found.

Ko Surin Tai (South Surin Island)

Ao Tao  

A highlight of the area is that Hawksbill Turtles are often found, as well as Green Turtles and several species of fish such as butterflyfish and puffer.  The reef here is 100-200 m. wide before sloping to a depth of 20 m. In shallow areas are again found various corals including Staghorn Corals.  There is also an underwater nature trail se out here, which is a snorkeling treat not to be missed.

Ao Phakkat

The area has a rich diversity of corals, especially foliose corals.  Angelfish are often found and there are no less than 7 species.  In deeper areas are found some small soft corals and sea fans.  The coral reef is about 300 m. long and 100 m. wide, before sloping to a depth of about 18 m.  A popular snorkeling site.

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  law bong  

Ko Torinla (Ko Khai)

In summer, this area is not only the best snorkeling site of Mu Ko Surin but also the best in Thailand.  It is located about 1 km.  From South Surin Island.  The coral reef is found on the northern side of the island and is about 500 m. long and 100 m. wide before sloping to a depth of 15-20 m. In the shallower areas, one of the largest and densest areas of branching corals are found.  The submerged rocks between Ko Torinla and Ko Surin are an interesting scuba diving site.  There are several species of soft  corals and sea fans, no less than 242 species of coral reef fish, as well as larger species like Manta Rays.

Hat Mai Ngam Nature Trail

This trail being about 2 km. Long, is suitable for an hour walking.  On the trail, you will pass Moist Evergreen Forest, Beach Forest, Beach and Swamp Forests.  Some rare species of bird can be found with careful observation.  Some such as the Large Green Pigeon, the Pied Imperial Pigeon, but most particularly the Nicobar Pigeon, are found only on distant offshore islands in the Andaman Sea like Mu Ko Surin and Mu Ko Similan.

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  Haad Mai Ngarm  

Station 1 Ao Chong Khat: Diving point with several species of fish.

Station 2 Ficus altissima: Afig tree.  Its ripe fruits are the food of several animals, including Mouse Deer, Flying Foxes, several types of bird and some larvae.

Station 3 Shoreline Geology: A submerged shoreline.  From this point, you can see Ko Pachumba or Ko Mangkon where there are many Spiny Lobsters.

Station 4 The largest Alexandrian Laurel (Calophyllum inophyllum) in Thailand.

Station 5 Beach Forest: Found on lthe shore above high tide level.  On the sandy beach, Sea Almond (Terminalia catappa), Barringtonia racemosa, and Scaevola taccada, and sometimes Pandanus sp.  Are found.  Fpomoea pes-capral cover the sand floor.

Station 6 Wetland: The freshwater pond is a habitat of plants like Elephant’s Ear (Colocasia esulenta) and Fishtail Palms (Caryota urens), and small animals like shrimp and fish.

Station 7 Rattan Palm (Calamus sp.) : A palm that Morgan Sea Gypsies use to sew Pandanus leaves together to make boat sails and thatches.

Station 8 Mangrove Forest: A spawning ground and habitat for many animals.  Mangrove helps prevent sediments from the land flowing into the sea.  Vegetation in Mangrove Forest is adapted for survival in salt water; for example, White Mangrove (Ceriops tagal) and Sonneratia caseolaris have a salt excreting gland on the leaf surface, Rhizophorasl have succulent leaves for water storage and aerial roots to enable them to breathe above the suffocating mud. 

Station 9 Fig Tree: Source of food for wildlife like birds, squirrels, and monkeys, especially in the dry season.

Station 10 Licuala sp. : A species of palm found at the swamp edge or in deeper Swamp Forest.  The fruit is a source of food for several animals.

Topography of a Coral Reef

Most coral reefs alrle “fringing reefs”, and it can be easily observed that these reefs are located along shoreline connected to a beach.  The reef is divided into 3 areas, which are Reef Flat, Reef Edge, and Reef Slope.

The First Underwater Nature Trail of Thailand

This trail was created to promote knowledge and experience in environmental education on coral reefs, by snorkeling from stop to stop requiring no more than average snorkeling skills.  It takes not more than 30 min. to cover the trail, which consists of 10 stops. There are large numbered signs tied underwater and by reading the information provided for each stop in the underwater manual, a whole new world will open up to you.  For those interested in doing the trail, please contact the park rangers to borrow the underwater manual and also rent a boat to reach the start point (about 15 min.).

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  long-tailed boat for snorkeling  

Stop 1 Funny Anemone-fishes: There are nine False Clown Anemonefish living here with the sea anemones.  Each has a different behavior.  The mother fish usually comes out to protect her family.

Stop 2 Large Tabulate Corals: The coral reef ecosystem is a rich but limited habitat.  Bottom dwelling species have their own means for survival in the struggle of life.

Stop 3 Huge Giant Clam: There are only 3 species of giant clams left in Thailand.  This particular giant clam is one of the largest ones reported in Thailand.

Stop 4 Fire Corals (Millepora tenella) : Fire corals are actually jellyfish and they have a potent poison.

Stop 5 Fire Corals (Millepora platyphylla): can be found everywhere around Surin Islands.

Stop 6 Massive Corals and Fish Bites: Parrotfish mainly eat corals.  Their parrot-like “beaks” work very well to scrape corals.  Here, you can see the results.

Stop 7 Diverse Corals: This stop tells the story of se veral species and forms of corals such as massive corals, branching corals, and submassive corals.

Stop 8 Soft Corals: They are not like other corals. Discounting their soft bodies, there are many other factors that make them different.  Take a closer look.

Stop 9 Natural Dead Corals

Stop 10 Net Fragment Caught on Corals: Corals can be destroyed by human beings in several ways either intentionally or not.  Net fragments cut or torn from a boat stuck on corals cause many problems.

The Last Mokaen

Mokaen Sea Gypsies originally traveled widely in the Andaman Sea, from the islands of Southern Myanmar to the seas of Ranong, Phang-nga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang, and Satun Provinces, and on to some of the Malaysian islands.  

The Mokaen of the Surin Islands are the last of their kind living in Thailand.  At present, about 160 live in large villages in Ao Bon Lek and Ao Sai En.  They still continue their own traditions like the “Boat Floating Festival” to appease the sea in May.  They are still living as their ancestors did hundreds of years ago. They use Zalacca trees to construct boats and dwellings.

If you would like to see the lifestyle of these Sea Gypsies, you should contact the park rangers in advance to arrange a suitable time and transportation.  Do not disturb them too much, and do not hurt them and the sea by buying their smuggled shells.  If you’d like to help them, you may buy their handmade products such as natural utensils.

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  Childrend Mokaen  

Site Map: Phang-nga

::: Program Tour


::: Khao Lak
::: Similan
::: Koh Phangan

::: Introduction

::: Hotel Reservation:

  ::: Khao Lak


  ::: Khokhao Island


::: Andaman Princess Resort
::: Khokhao Island Beach Resort

::: Royal Bangsak Beach New!

  ::: Koh Yao


  ::: Others

::: Aleenta Resort & Spa
::: The Hotspring Beach

::: Ranyatavi

::: Attractions:

::: City
::: Kuraburi
::: Thapput
::: Thai Muang
::: Kapong
::: Takuapa
::: Takua Thung
::: Mu Koh Similan
::: Mu Koh Surin
::: Ko Yao

::: How to get there

::: Map-Phang-nga
::: Map-MuKohSimilan
::: Map-MuKohSurin

::: Things To Do

::: Climate

::: Restaurant

Need a car rent in Phan-nga or Phuket please contact us:

Car Rent available transfer you from any hotels in Bangkok to Hotels, in Hua Hin or Cha-am

Phang Nga
Hotel Reservation

 Khao Lak:

Anandah Beach Resort, Apsaras Beach New!, Baan Khaolak, Baan Krating Khao Lak, Bangniang Beach Resort, Palm Galleria Resort, Haadson Resort, Khao Lak Bayfront, Khaolak Bhandari,  Khaolak Emerald Beach Resort & Spa, Khaolak Merlin Beach, Khaolak Orchid BeachKhao Lak Palm Beach, Khao Lak Paradise, Khao Lak Seaview, Khaolak Sunset, Khao Lak Resort, Khaolak Youth Club, Kuraburi Greenview, La Flora, Le Meridien Khao Lak, Motive Cottage Resort, Mukdara Beach Villa & Spa, Palm Andaman Beach, SimilanaSouth Sea Grand New!, Sudala Beach Resort New!, Tacola Resort and Spa New!, Takolaburi Cultural & Spa Resort, The Andaburi Resort, The Andamania Beach Resort & Spa New!, The Briza Resort New!, The Sarojin, Tony Lodge, Fanari Khaolak Resort New!, Kantary Beach Hotel Villas & Suites New! , The Sand Khao Lak New! , Khaolak Oriental Resort New!
 Koyao Elixir Resort, Koh Yao Yai Village New!, Koyao Island, Paradise Koh Yao
 Khokhao Island Andaman Princess Resort, Khokhao Island Beach Resort, Royal Bangsak Beach Resort New!
 Others: Aleenta Resort & Spa, The Hotspring Beach, Ranyatavi


Hotels & Resorts Index by Regions and Provinces

 North Chiangmai, Chiangrai, Kampaengpetch, Lampun, Lampang, MaeHongSon, Nakornsawan, Nan, Payao, Pichit, Pitsanulok, Prae, Sukhothai, Tak Utaradit
 Central Bangkok Bangkok Tour, Angthong, Ayutthaya, Chachoengsao, Chainat, Kanchanaburi, Lopburi, Nakornnayok, Nakornpathom, Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, Petchaburi, Prachinburi, Prachuabkirikhan Hua Hin Resort Hua Hin Hotels, Ratchaburi, Samutrprakarn, Samutsakorn, Samutsongkram, Saraburi, Singburi, Srakaew, Supanburi, Uthaithani
 East Chonburi, Pattaya Resort, Rayong Koh Samet , Chanthaburi, Trat/ Koh Chang Koh Chang Resorts
 Northern East Amnatcharoen, Buriram, Chaiyaphum, Kalasin, Khonkaen, Loei, Mahasarakham, Mukdaharn, Nakornphanom, Nakornratchasima, Nongbualampoo, Nongkai, Roied, Sakonnakorn, Srisakes, Surin, Ubonratchathani, Udornthani, Yasothorn, Buengkan
 South Phuket, Chumporn, Krabi Phi Phi Hotels, Nakornsrithammarat, Narathiwat, Pang-nga, Pattalung, Pattani, Ranong, Satun, Songkhla, Suratthani, Trang, Yala, Koh Tao, Samui Hotels, Koh Phangan



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