Thailand > North > Lampang > Chae Son National Park

Chae Son National Park, Lampang

A major place for relaxation in Lampang is the Chae Son National Park, which is located in Mueang Pan district area. It can be reached by taking Highway No.1035 taking a left turn at Km. 59. A further 17 kilometre is a lush forested and mountainous region with a 73-Celsius hot spring over rocky terrain, providing a misty and picturesque scene particularly in the morning. There are bathing facilities for health purpose.

 One kilometre away is a clear, cool brook where tourists can take a dip in water fed by the 6-level Chae Son waterfall originating from winding brooks and streams flowing through high mountains. There are accommodations and camping areas for visitors.

Admission Fee : Adult 200 Baht Child 100 Baht 

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